Sunday, July 01, 2007

The Upload to Nowhere

Recently I've been analyzing my impatience. I get short-tempered on the road, in the grocery store, with my girlfriend. I really want to do something about it, so I ponder, try to think it out. What I came up with is this: I'm beginning to think it has at least a little something to do with this computer that I'm using right now. Like everyone else, I used to have a dial-up modem, which was great for meditation. I could click to start uploading a song, go do thirty minutes of zazen, check the mail, take a shower, whatever, come back, and still be waiting. Now, I have DSL and don't have to wait for a damn thing. In fact, any minor glitches are cause for serious bouts of impatience and anger. How DARE you not come up. I've clicked on you TWICE.

This is not only my problem, it's society's problem. We're in too much of a damn hurry. We've no time to stop and smell the roses. Everything has to be now, now, now. So, since I'm currently immersed in research for my dissertation, I figure I could next tackle a study that focuses on impatience and the use of the Internet. I'm sure there is a link there, and the findings would be interesting, but I'm not sure I could do it. Why? It would take too long!

"What's perfect about life? Its imperfections."

Wishing you peace and a smile.


Blogger said...

What is depression?

Is depression an indication of imperfection or the culmination of several different factors which it perfectly manifests?
How would we know something was out of balance if it didn't 'tilt'?
When tossed about by whims of circumstance and turns of fortune
and life 'tilts' us
It isn't, but we do:
we tend to take it personally
It isn't, but we do.

sitting on the cushion no matter what comes--we are it's equal

all we can do is our best

all we ever do is our best

the whole world doing its best

Sitting is good. Sitting isn't the only thing.
For different times, different approaches.

Maybe a combination of zazen and moving meditation. Samu in your own home--a different room, a different corner of a room each day. Washing the car meditation...

Give the body nutrition, adequate exercise, sufficient sleep, in this way mind takes care of body. Make a list of things to do, a schedule to do them. How bodymind responds then lets it be known if a doctor is needed or not.

I'm not saying anything you don't already know
sometimes it has helped me to have someone else say to me what I already know
sometimes it has helped me to tell them to
shove it

7:46 PM  
Blogger David H said...

Yes, taking things personally. Seems like I've done that once or twice!

You made me think. What is this word "depression?" We give it more power than it deserves. Zazen is not a cure for anything, but sometimes our mind packages it up like it is. Zazen and depression are nothing special. "Enlightened beings" are nothing special. How beautiful is that??? I can't think of anything more radiant than "no thing special." Every moment is "no thing special."

12:03 AM  

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